Render |
Member name | Value | Description |
FPDF_NONE | 0 | None |
FPDF_ANNOT | 1 | Set if annotations are to be rendered. |
FPDF_LCD_TEXT | 2 | Set if using text rendering optimized for LCD display. |
FPDF_NO_NATIVETEXT | 4 | Don't use the native text output available on some platforms |
FPDF_GRAYSCALE | 8 | Grayscale output. |
FPDF_REVERSE_BYTE_ORDER | 16 | set whether render in a reverse Byte order, this flag only enable when render to a bitmap. |
FPDF_DEBUG_INFO | 128 | Set if you want to get some debug info. Please discuss with Foxit first if you need to collect debug info. |
FPDF_NO_CATCH | 256 | Set if you don't want to catch exception. |
FPDF_RENDER_LIMITEDIMAGECACHE | 512 | Limit image cache size. |
FPDF_RENDER_FORCEHALFTONE | 1,024 | Always use halftone for image stretching. |
FPDF_PRINTING | 2,048 | Render for printing. |
FPDF_RENDER_NO_SMOOTHTEXT | 4,096 | Set to disable anti-aliasing on text. |
FPDF_RENDER_NO_SMOOTHIMAGE | 8,192 | Set to disable anti-aliasing on images. |
FPDF_RENDER_NO_SMOOTHPATH | 16,384 | Set to disable anti-aliasing on paths. |
FPDF_THUMBNAIL | 32,768 | Render page as a thumbnail |
FPDF_HQTHUMBNAIL | 32,768 | Obsolete. Render page as a thumbnail (high quality) |