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A PDF document may optionally display a document outline on the screen, allowing the user to navigate interactively from one part of the document to another. The outline consists of a tree-structured hierarchy of outline items (sometimes called bookmarks), which serve as a visual table of contents to display the document’s structure to the user.
Bookmarks it is a tree-structured hierarchy. Clicking the text of any visible bookmark activates it, causing the viewer application to jump to a destination or trigger an action associated with the bookmark.
public void TraverseBookmark(PdfBookmarkCollections bookmarks, int iLevel) { foreach (var item in bookmarks) { TraverseBookmark(item.Childs, iLevel + 1); } } //... using (var doc = PdfDocument.Load("sample.pdf")) { TraverseBookmark(doc.Bookmarks, 0); }
using (var doc = PdfDocument.Load("sample")) { // Create explicit destination that display the page designated by pageIndex in the document designated by doc int pageIndex = 3; PdfDestination dest = PdfDestination.CreateXYZ(doc, pageIndex); //Insert destination into bookmark collection doc.Bookmarks.InsertAt(0, "Bookmark for page #3", dest); //Save a copy of PDF document doc.Save("sample_with_bookmarks.pdf", SaveFlags.NoIncremental); }
using (var doc = PdfDocument.Load("sample")) { // Create explicit destination that display the page designated by pageIndex in the remote document int pageIndex = 3; PdfDestination dest = PdfDestination.CreateXYZ(null, pageIndex); //Create a file specification that points to an external document. var fileSpec = new PdfFileSpecification(doc); fileSpec.FileName = @"c:\other_document.pdf"; //Create a GoToR action var action = new PdfGoToRAction(doc, fileSpec, dest); //Insert action into bookmark collection doc.Bookmarks.InsertAt(0, "Bookmark for page #3 in other document", action); //Save a copy of PDF document doc.Save("sample_with_bookmarks.pdf", SaveFlags.NoIncremental); }