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PdfDestination Class

Represents the explicit and named destination.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Patagames.Pdf.Net
Assembly: Patagames.Pdf (in Patagames.Pdf.dll) Version: 4.94.2704
public class PdfDestination

The PdfDestination type exposes the following members.

Public methodPdfDestination Creates new PdfDestination
Public propertyArray Gets the destionation's array
Public propertyBottom Gets or sets Bottom parameter of destination.
Public propertyDestinationType Gets or sets type of destination.
Public propertyHandle Gets the Pdfium SDK handle that the destination is bound to
Public propertyLeft Gets or sets Left parameter of destination.
Public propertyName Gets the name of the named destination. This value is null for explicit destination
Public propertyPageIndex Gets or sets the page index(zero based for current document) in current or remote document which indicates the named destination
Public propertyRight Gets or sets Right parameter of destination.
Public propertyTop Gets or sets Top parameter of destination.
Public propertyZoom Gets or sets Zoom parameter of destination.
Public methodStatic memberCreateFit Create new destination that display the page designated by pageIndex, with its contents magnified just enough to fit the entire page within the window both horizontally and vertically.
Public methodStatic memberCreateFitB Create new destination that display the page designated by pageIndex, with its contents magnified just enough to fit its bounding box entirely within the window both horizontally and vertically.
Public methodStatic memberCreateFitBH Create new destination that display the page designated by pageIndex, with the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire width of its bounding box within the window.
Public methodStatic memberCreateFitBV Create new destination that display the page designated by pageIndex, with the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire height of its bounding box within the window.
Public methodStatic memberCreateFitH Create new destination that display the page designated by pageIndex, with the vertical coordinate top positioned at the top edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire width of the page within the window.
Public methodStatic memberCreateFitR Create new destination that display the page designated by pageIndex, with its contents magnified just enough to fit the rectangle specified by the coordinates left, bottom, right, and top entirely within the window both horizontally and vertically.
Public methodStatic memberCreateFitV Create new destination that display the page designated by pageIndex, with the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire height of the page within the window.
Public methodStatic memberCreateXYZ Create new destination that display the page designated by pageIndex, with the coordinates (left, top) positioned at the upper-left corner of the window and the contents of the page magnified by the factor zoom
See Also