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PdfDestinationCreateFitV Method

Create new destination that display the page designated by pageIndex, with the horizontal coordinate left positioned at the left edge of the window and the contents of the page magnified just enough to fit the entire height of the page within the window.

Namespace: Patagames.Pdf.Net
Assembly: Patagames.Pdf (in Patagames.Pdf.dll) Version: 4.94.2704
public static PdfDestination CreateFitV(
	PdfDocument document,
	int pageIndex,
	float? left = null


document  PdfDocument
Document which contains this destination. Null for remote document.
pageIndex  Int32
The zero-based index of the page to be displayed by this destination.
left  NullableSingle  (Optional)
The y coordinate.

Return Value

An instance of the PdfDestination class initialized with the specified parameters.
A null value for left specifies that the current value of that parameter is to be retained unchanged.
See Also