Click or drag to resize

PdfControl Class

Encapsulates widget annotations to represent the appearance of fields and to manage user interactions.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Patagames.Pdf.Net
Assembly: Patagames.Pdf (in Patagames.Pdf.dll) Version: 4.94.2704
public class PdfControl

The PdfControl type exposes the following members.

Protected methodPdfControl Create a new control and assign it to the specified field.
Public propertyBackgroundColor Gets or sets the color of the control's background.
Public propertyBackgroundColorType Gets the color type of the control's background.
Public propertyBorderColor Gets or sets the color of the control's border.
Public propertyBorderColorType Gets the color type of the control's border.
Public propertyBorderStyle Gets or sets a border style (see PdfBorderStyle) specifying the line width, style and dash pattern to be used in drawing.
Public propertyColor Gets or sets the fore color of the control.
Public propertyDictionary Gets a dictionary of widget annotation.
Public propertyField Gets an underlying field for this control.
Public propertyHandle Gets the Pdfium SDK handle to which the control is bound.
Public propertyHiglightingMode Gets or sets the highlight mode for the control.
Public propertyOriginalBackgroundColor Gets the color of the control's background as an array of color components.
Public propertyOriginalBorderColor Gets the color of the control's border as an array of color components.
Public propertyRect Gets or sets the rectangle of the control.
Public propertyRotation Gets or sets a value indicating how the control is rotated counterclockwise relative to the page.
Public propertyType Gets the type of an underlying field.
Public methodGetWidget Find the page on which the given control is located and return it in the form of the corresponding widget.
Public methodHasMKEntry Gets whether the control has MK entry.
Public methodRegenerateAppearance Delete the existing appearance stream of this PdfControl and build a new one.
Public methodResetAppearance Reset the appearance of the control and mark it to rebuild on next page load.
Public methodSetFocus Set the input focus to the specified control.
See Also
Inheritance Hierarchy