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PdfWidgetAnnotation Class

Represents Widget Annotation
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Patagames.Pdf.Net.Annotations
Assembly: Patagames.Pdf (in Patagames.Pdf.dll) Version: 4.94.2704
public class PdfWidgetAnnotation : PdfAnnotation

The PdfWidgetAnnotation type exposes the following members.

Public methodPdfWidgetAnnotation(PdfPage) Creates a new PdfWidgetAnnotation.
Public methodPdfWidgetAnnotation(PdfPage, PdfTypeBase) Initializes a new instance of the PdfWatermarkAnnotation class based on the specified dictionary.
Public propertyAction Gets or sets the PdfAction object associated with this widget annotation or null if there is no action associated with the widget.
Public propertyAdditionalActions Gets or sets the additional-actions defining actions to be performed when the page is opened or closed.
Public propertyBorderStyle Gets or sets a border style (see PdfBorderStyle) specifying the line width and dash pattern to be used in drawing the rectangle or ellipse.
Public propertyHighlightingMode Gets or sets the annotation’s highlighting mode, the visual effect to be used when the mouse button is pressed or held down inside its active area.
Public propertyMK Gets or sets an appearance characteristics object to be used in constructing a dynamic appearance stream specifying the annotation’s visual presentation on the page.
Interactive forms use widget annotations to represent the appearance of fields and to manage user interactions.
Note  Note
This annotation is currently not supported by the SDK.
See Also