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Patagames.Pdf Namespace

Provides supporting types for interoperation between .Net managed types and Pdfium API and provides base classes for other specific scenarios of interoperation between managed and unmanaged types. You may only need them to develop your own class library based on the Pdfium API.
Public classFPDF_FILEACCESS Class for custom file access.
Public classFPDF_FILEWRITE Class for custom file write
Public classFPDF_FORMFILLINFO Class for manipulates with PDF forms
Public classFPDF_FORMFILLNOTIFY Represents a class that contains callbacks which receives the notification from the forms.
Public classFPDF_SYSFONTINFO Interface for getting system font information and font mapping
Public classFS_MATRIX Represents the transformation matrices
Public classFX_DOWNLOADHINTS Download hints interface. Used to receive hints for further downloading.
Public classFX_FILEAVAIL Interface for checking whether the section of the file is available.
Public classFX_RECT Rectangle area in device coordination system.
Public classIFSDK_PAUSE IFSDK_PAUSE interface. Used for progressive rendering. You must make sure that the class instance will not be collected by the garbage collector after passing this instance to unmanaged code.
Public classIPDF_JSPLATFORM class that provides functionality of JS PDF forms
Public classLOGFONT The LOGFONT structure defines the attributes of a font.
Public classPdfArrayWrapperT A specialized collection of objects of type T that does not store the objects themselves, but instead maps them to objects in the underlying PdfTypeArray.
Public classPdfium Represents low level API to get access to Pdfium engine.
Public classREFOBJ Represents the object that referred by other object
Public classUNSUPPORT_INFO Represents UNSUPPORT_INFO structure.
Public structureFPDF_SYSTEMTIME Declares of a struct type to the local system time.
Public structureFS_CIRCLEF Represents a circle
Public structureFS_COLOR Represents an ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) color.
Public structureFS_PATHPOINTF Represents a point of the path.
Public structureFS_POINTF Represents a point.
Public structureFS_QUADPOINTSF The structure defines the coordinates of the quadrilateral.
Public structureFS_RECTF Rectangle area(float) in device or page coordination system.
Public structureFS_SIZEF Represents the size in default user space.
Public interfaceIStaticCallbacks Used for static initialization of callback functions.
Public delegateAddSegmentCallback Add a section to be downloaded.
Public delegateAfterCheckedStatusChangeCallback This delegate invoked by SDK after checked statuses is changed.
Public delegateAfterFormImportDataCallback This delegate invoked by SDK after forms data is imported.
Public delegateAfterFormResetCallback This delegate invoked by SDK after forms is reseted.
Public delegateAfterSelectionChangeCallback This delegate invoked by SDK after field's selection is changed.
Public delegateAfterValueChangeCallback This delegate invoked by SDK after field is changed.
Public delegateapp_alert_callback pop up a dialog to show warning or hint.
Public delegateapp_beep_callback Causes the system to play a sound.
Public delegateapp_response_callback Displays a dialog box containing a question and an entry field for the user to reply to the question.
Public delegateBeforeFormImportDataCallback This delegate invoked by SDK before forms data is imported.
Public delegateBeforeFormResetCallback This delegate invoked by SDK before forms is reseted.
Public delegateBeforeSelectionChangeCallback This delegate invoked by SDK before field's selection is changed.
Public delegateBeforeValueChangeCallback This delegate invoked by SDK before field is changed.
Public delegateDeleteFontCallback Delete a font handle
Public delegateDoc_getFilePath_callback Get the file path of the current document.
Public delegateDoc_gotoPage_callback Jump to a specified page.
Public delegateDoc_mail_callback Mails the data buffer as an attachment to all recipients, with or without user interaction.
Public delegateDoc_print_callback Prints all or a specific number of pages of the document.
Public delegateDoc_submitForm_callback Send the form data to a specified URL.
Public delegateEnumFontsCallback Enumerate all fonts installed on the system
Public delegateFFI_DoGoToActionCallback This action changes the view to a specified destination.
Public delegateFFI_DoURIActionCallback This action resolves to a uniform resource identifier.
Public delegateFFI_ExecuteNamedActionCallback This method will execute an named action.
Public delegateFFI_GetCurrentPageCallback This method receives the current page pointer.
Public delegateFFI_GetLocalTimeCallback This method receives the current local time on the system.
Public delegateFFI_GetPageCallback This method receives the page pointer associated with a specified page index.
Public delegateFFI_GetRotationCallback This method receives currently rotation of the page view.
Public delegateFFI_InvalidateCallback Invalidate the client area within the specified rectangle.
Public delegateFFI_KillTimerCallback This method kills the timer event identified by nIDEvent, set by an earlier call to FFI_SetTimer.
Public delegateFFI_OnChangeCallback This method will be invoked to notify implementation when the value of any FormField on the document had been changed.
Public delegateFFI_OutputSelectedRectCallback When user is taking the mouse to select texts on a form field, this callback function will keep returning the selected areas to the implementation.
Public delegateFFI_SetCursorCallback Set the Cursor shape
Public delegateFFI_SetTextFieldFocusCallback This method will be called when a text field is getting or losing a focus.
Public delegateFFI_SetTimerCallback This method installs a system timer. A time-out value is specified, and every time a time-out occurs, the system passes a message to the TimerProc callback function.
Public delegateField_browse_callback Show a file selection dialog, and return the selected file path.
Public delegateFSDKUnsupportHandlerCallback UnSupport Object process handling function.
Public delegateGetBlockCallback A function pointer for getting a block of data from specific position.
Public delegateGetFaceNameCallback Get face name from a font handle
Public delegateGetFontCallback Get a handle to a particular font by its internal ID
Public delegateGetFontCharsetCallback Get character set information for a font handle
Public delegateGetFontDataCallback Get font data from a font
Public delegateIsDataAvailableCallback Report whether the specified data section is available. A section is available only if all bytes in the section is available.
Public delegateMapFontCallback Use the system font mapper to get a font handle from requested parameters
Public delegateNeedToPauseNowCallback Check if we need to pause a progressive process now.
Public delegatePdfiumDictEnumCallback Delegate for the application-defined callback function for FPDFDICT_Enum(IntPtr, PdfiumDictEnumCallback).
Public delegatePdfiumGenerateContentCallback Delegate that reperesents an application-defined callback function used with the FPDFPage_GenerateContentEx(IntPtr, IntPtr, PdfiumGenerateContentCallback, IntPtr) and FPDF_GenerateContentToStream(IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, PdfiumGenerateContentCallback, IntPtr) methods.
Public delegatePdfiumInternalObjectDestroyCallback Delegate for the application-defined callback function for FPDFOBJ_SetDestroyCallback(IntPtr, PdfiumInternalObjectDestroyCallback)
Public delegateReleaseCallback Give implementation a chance to release any data after the interface is no longer used
Public delegateReleaseFontsCallback Give implementation a chance to release any data after the interface is no longer used
Public delegateTimerCallback Declares of a pointer type to the callback function for the FFI_SetTimer method.
Public delegateWriteBlockCallback Output a block of data in your custom way.
Public enumerationLOGFONTFontClipPrecision The clipping precision.
Public enumerationLOGFONTFontPitchAndFamily The pitch and family of the font.
Public enumerationLOGFONTFontPrecision The output precision.
Public enumerationLOGFONTFontQuality The output quality.