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PdfBitmap Class

Encapsulates a Device-Independent bitmap, which consists of the pixel data for a graphics image and its attributes. A PdfBitmap is an object used to work with images defined by pixel data.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Patagames.Pdf.Net
Assembly: Patagames.Pdf (in Patagames.Pdf.dll) Version: 4.94.2704
public class PdfBitmap : IDisposable

The PdfBitmap type exposes the following members.

Public methodPdfBitmap(IntPtr) Initializes a new instance of the PdfBitmap class with the specified bitmap descriptor.
Public methodPdfBitmap(Int32, Int32, BitmapFormats) Initializes a new instance of the PdfBitmap class with the specified width, height and pixel format.
Public methodPdfBitmap(Int32, Int32, FXDIBFormats) Initializes a new instance of the PdfBitmap class with the specified width, height and pixel format.
Public methodPdfBitmap(Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean) Initializes a new instance of the PdfBitmap class with the specified width, height and isUseAlpha flag.
Public methodPdfBitmap(Int32, Int32, BitmapFormats, IntPtr, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the PdfBitmap class with the specified width, height, pixel format, and external buffer.
Public methodPdfBitmap(Int32, Int32, FXDIBFormats, IntPtr, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the PdfBitmap class with the specified width, height, pixel format, and external buffer.
Public propertyBPP Gets the color depth, in number of bits per pixel, of this PdfBitmap.
Public propertyBuffer Gets pointer to an array of bytes that contains the pixel data.
Public propertyFormat Gets the pixel format for this PdfBitmap.
Public propertyHandle Gets the Pdfium.Net SDK handle that the PdfBitmap is bound to.
Public propertyHasAlpha Gets a flag indicating whether this PdfBitmap contains an alpha channel.
Public propertyHeight Gets the height, in pixels, of this PdfBitmap.
Public propertyIsAlphaMask Gets a flag indicating whether this PdfBitmap is a transparency mask.
Public propertyIsCmyk Gets a flag indicating whether this PdfBitmap is a CMYK image or not.
Public propertyIsDisposed Gets a value indicating whether the object has been disposed of.

Field Value

true if the control has been disposed of; otherwise, false.
Public propertyIsOpaque Gets a flag indicating whether this PdfBitmap is opaque or not.
Public propertyPalette Gets or sets the color palette used for this PdfBitmap.
Public propertyPaletteSize Gets the number of elements in color palette used for this PdfBitmap.
Public propertyPitchObsolete.
Gets number of bytes for each scan line in the bitmap Buffer.
Public propertyStride Gets number of bytes for each scan line in the PdfBitmapBuffer.
Public propertyWidth Gets the width, in pixels, of this PdfBitmap.
Public methodClone Clone this PdfBitmap.
Public methodConvert Clone and convert this PdfBitmap to specified format.
Public methodDispose Releases all resources used by this PdfBitmap.
Protected methodDispose(Boolean) Releases all resources used by this PdfBitmap.
Public methodFillRect(FX_RECT, FS_COLOR) Fills the rectangular area in the PdfBitmap specified by a FX_RECT structure.
Public methodFillRect(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, FS_COLOR) Fills the rectangular area in the PdfBitmap specified by a pair of coordinates, width and height.
Public methodFillRect(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, FS_COLOR, BlendTypes) Fills the rectangular area in the PdfBitmap specified by a pair of coordinates, width and height.
Public methodFillRectEx(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Fills the rectangular area in the PdfBitmap specified by a pair of coordinates, width and height.
Public methodFillRectEx(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, BlendTypes) Fills the rectangular area in the PdfBitmap specified by a pair of coordinates, width and height.
Protected methodFinalize Finalize object
(Overrides ObjectFinalize)
Public methodFlipXY Clone and flip this PdfBitmap.
Public methodStatic memberFromBitmapObsolete.
The method has been moved to the PdfBitmapExtension class (Patagames.Pdf.Gdi.dll).
Public methodStatic memberFromFileObsolete.
The method has been moved to the PdfBitmapExtension class (Patagames.Pdf.Gdi.dll).
Public methodGetPaletteColorByIndex Returns the FS_COLOR in the color palette for a certain position.
Public methodSetPaletteEntryByIndex Set given FS_COLOR to a certain position in the color palette of this PdfBitmap.
Public methodStretchTo(Int32, Int32, ImageInterpolation, FX_RECT) Clone and stretch this PdfBitmap.
Public methodStretchTo(Int32, Int32, Int32, FX_RECT)Obsolete.
Clone and stretch this PdfBitmap.
Public methodSwapXY Clone and swap this PdfBitmap.
Public event_disposeBitmapObsolete.
For internal use only. Will be removed in the future release.
Public field_forceAlphaChannelObsolete.
For internal use only. Will be removed in the future release.
Public field_gdiBitmapObsolete.
For internal use only. Will be removed in the future release.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodFillRect Fill a rectangle area in an PdfBitmap specified by a Rectangle structure.
(Defined by PdfBitmapExtension)
Public Extension MethodGetImage Gets the image that represents the PdfBitmap
(Defined by PdfBitmapExtension)
See Also