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PdfOCProperties Class

Represents an optional content properties dictionary.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Patagames.Pdf.Net.Wrappers.OptionalContent
Assembly: Patagames.Pdf (in Patagames.Pdf.dll) Version: 4.94.2704
public class PdfOCProperties : PdfWrapper

The PdfOCProperties type exposes the following members.

Public methodPdfOCProperties(PdfDocument) Creates new PdfOCProperties.
Public methodPdfOCProperties(PdfDocument, PdfTypeBase) Creates a new instance of PdfOCProperties and initialize it with specified dictionary.
Public methodPdfOCProperties(PdfDocument, PdfOCConfig) Creates new PdfOCProperties.
Public propertyConfigs Gets or sets an array of alternate optional content configurations for PDF processing applications or features.
Public propertyDefault Gets or sets the default viewing optional content configuration.
Public propertyOCGs Gets or sets a collection of all the optional content groups in the document, in any order. Every optional content group must be included in this collection.
Public methodCheckVisibility(Int32, OCGEvent) Check the visibility of this group according to its Usage and applied configurations.
Public methodCheckVisibility(PdfOCGroup, OCGEvent) Check the visibility of the specified group according to its Usage and applied configurations.
Public methodSetState(Int32, OCGState) Sets the specified state of the group.
Public methodSetState(PdfOCGroup, OCGState) Sets the specified state of the group.
The PdfOCProperties class contains a list of all the optional content groups in the document, as well as information about the default and alternate configurations for optional content.

The Default and Configs properties are represent different presentations of a document’s optional content groups for use by PDF processing applications or features. The Default configuration specifies the initial state of the optional content groups when a document is first opened. Configs lists other configurations that may be used under particular circumstances.

See Also