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PdfOCConfig Class

Represents an optional content configuration dictionary.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Patagames.Pdf.Net.Wrappers.OptionalContent
Assembly: Patagames.Pdf (in Patagames.Pdf.dll) Version: 4.94.2704
public class PdfOCConfig : PdfWrapper

The PdfOCConfig type exposes the following members.

Public methodPdfOCConfig(PdfDocument) Creates new instance of PdfOCConfig.
Public methodPdfOCConfig(PdfDocument, PdfTypeBase) Creates a new instance of PdfOCConfig and initialize it with specified dictionary.
Public propertyAutoState Gets or sets an array of PdfOCAutoState specifying which usage categories should be consulted by viewer applications to automatically set the states of optional content groups based on external factors, such as the current system language or viewing magnification, and when they should be applied.
Public propertyBaseState Gets or sets a OCGState used to initialize the states of all the optional content groups in a document when this configuration is applied.
Public propertyCreator Gets or sets name of application or feature that created this configuration.
Public propertyIntent Gets or sets a combination of intent flags.
Public propertyListMode Gets or sets a value specifying which optional content groups in the Order array should be displayed to the user.
Public propertyLocked Gets or sets an array of optional content groups that should be locked when this configuration is applied. The state of a locked group cannot be changed through the user interface of a viewer application. Producers can use this entry to prevent the visibility of content that depends on these groups from being changed by users.
Public propertyName Gets or sets a name for the configuration, suitable for presentation in a user interface.
Public propertyOff Gets or sets an array of optional content groups whose state should be set to Off when this configuration is applied. If the BaseState property is Off, this entry is redundant.
Public propertyOn Gets or sets an array of optional content groups whose state should be set to On when this configuration is applied. If the BaseState property is On, this entry is redundant.
Public propertyOrder Gets or sets an array specifying the recommended order for presentation of optional content groups in a user interface.
Public propertyRBGroups Gets or sets an array consisting of one or more arrays, each of which represents a collection of optional content groups whose states are intended to follow a radio button paradigm.
See Also