Click or drag to resize

PdfToolStripZoomEx Class

Provides a container for Windows toolbar objects with predefined functionality for zooming
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Patagames.Pdf.Net.Controls.WinForms.ToolBars
Assembly: Patagames.Pdf.WinForms (in Patagames.Pdf.WinForms.dll) Version: 4.89.2704
public class PdfToolStripZoomEx : PdfToolStrip

The PdfToolStripZoomEx type exposes the following members.

Public methodPdfToolStripZoomExInitializes a new instance of the PdfToolStripZoomEx class
Public propertyZoom Calculate the current zoom
Public propertyZoomLevel Gets or sets the array with zoom values for ComboBox or TrackBar
Protected methodCalcCurrentZoomLevel Calculate zoom level for current Zoom and store it in internal field
Protected methodInitializeButtons Create all buttons and add its into toolbar. Override this method to create custom buttons
(Overrides PdfToolStripInitializeButtons)
Protected methodOnActualSizeClick Occurs when the Actual Size item is clicked
Protected methodOnFitHeightClick Occurs when the Fit To Height item is clicked
Protected methodOnFitPageClick Occurs when the Fit To Page item is clicked
Protected methodOnFitWidthClick Occurs when the Fit To Width item is clicked
Protected methodOnLayoutCompleted Raises the LayoutCompleted event.
(Overrides ToolStripOnLayoutCompleted(EventArgs))
Protected methodOnPdfViewerChanging Called when the current PdfViewer control associated with the ToolStrip is changing.
(Overrides PdfToolStripOnPdfViewerChanging(PdfViewer, PdfViewer))
Protected methodOnTrackBarValueChanged Occurs when the Value property of a track bar changes, either by movement of the scroll box or by manipulation in code.
Protected methodOnZoomExInClick Occurs when the Zoom In button is clicked
Protected methodOnZoomExOutClick Occurs when the Zoom Out button is clicked
Protected methodOnZoomLevelClick Occurs when the any item with zoom level clicked in ZoomDropDown button
Protected methodSetZoom(Int32) Sets specified zoom level for Pdf document
Protected methodSetZoom(Single) Sets specified zoom for Pdf document
Protected methodUpdateButtons Called when the ToolStrip's items need to change its states
(Overrides PdfToolStripUpdateButtons)
See Also