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PdfToolStripSearch Class

Provides a container for Windows toolbar objects with predefined functionality for searching
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Patagames.Pdf.Net.Controls.WinForms.ToolBars
Assembly: Patagames.Pdf.WinForms (in Patagames.Pdf.WinForms.dll) Version: 4.89.2704
public class PdfToolStripSearch : PdfToolStrip

The PdfToolStripSearch type exposes the following members.

Public methodPdfToolStripSearch Initialize the new instance of PdfToolStripSearch class
Public propertyActiveRecordColor Gets or sets the color of the found text.
Public propertyCurrentRecord Gets or sets the current found record
Public propertyHighlightColor Gets or sets the color of the found text.
Public propertyInflateHighlight Gets or sets delta values for each edge of the rectangles of the highlighted text.
Public propertySearchFlags Gets or sets search flags
Public propertySearchText Gets or sets search text
Public propertyTotalRecords Gets the total number of found records
Protected methodInitializeButtons Create all buttons and add its into toolbar. Override this method to create custom buttons
(Overrides PdfToolStripInitializeButtons)
Protected methodOnCurrentRecordChanged Called when current recordchanged
Protected methodOnNeedSearch Called when the search routine should be launched
Protected methodOnPdfViewerChanging Called when the current PdfViewer control associated with the ToolStrip is changing.
(Overrides PdfToolStripOnPdfViewerChanging(PdfViewer, PdfViewer))
Protected methodUpdateButtons Called when the ToolStrip's items need to change its states
(Overrides PdfToolStripUpdateButtons)
See Also