Pdf |
The PdfViewer type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AllowSetDocument | Obsolete. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can accept PDF document through Document property. | |
AutoScrollPosition | Gets or sets the location of the auto-scroll position. | |
CurrentIndex | Gets or sets the current index of a page in PdfPageCollection | |
CurrentPage | Gets the current PdfPage item by CurrentIndex | |
CurrentPageHighlightColor | Gets or sets the current page highlight color. | |
Document | Gets or sets the PDF document associated with the current PdfViewer control. | |
FillForms | Gets the Forms object associated with the current PdfViewer control. | |
FormHighlightColor | Gets or set the highlight color of the form fields in the document. | |
FormsBlendMode | Gets or sets blend mode which is used in drawing of acro forms. | |
HighlightedTextInfo | Gets information about highlighted text in a PdfView control | |
LoadingIconText | Gets or sets loading icon text in progressive rendering mode | |
MouseMode | Gets or sets mouse mode for pdf viewer control | |
OptimizedLoadThreshold | Gets or sets the threshold value in the number of pages after which the optimized document load is activated. | |
Padding | Gets or sets padding within the control. | |
PageAlign | Gets or sets the alignment of page in the control. | |
PageAutoDispose | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PdfViewer will dispose any pages placed outside of its visible boundaries. | |
PageBackColor | Gets or sets the background color for the control under PDF page. | |
PageBorderColor | Gets or sets the border color of the page | |
PageMargin | Specifies space between pages margins | |
PageSeparatorColor | Gets or sets the page separator color. | |
RenderFlags | Gets or sets a RenderFlags. None for normal display, or combination of RenderFlags | |
SelectedText | Gets selected text from PdfView control | |
SelectInfo | Gets information about selected text in a PdfView control | |
ShowCurrentPageHighlight | Determines whether the current page's highlight is visible or hidden. | |
ShowLoadingIcon | Determines whether the page's loading icon should be shown | |
ShowPageSeparator | Determines whether the page separator is visible or hidden | |
SizeMode | Control how the PdfViewer will handle pages placement and control sizing | |
TextSelectColor | Gets or sets the selection color of the control. | |
TilesCount | Gets or sets visible page count for tiles view mode | |
UseProgressiveRender | If true the progressive rendering is used for render page | |
ViewMode | Control how the PdfViewer will display pages | |
Zoom | This property allows you to scale the PDF page. To take effect the SizeMode property should be Zoom |
Name | Description | |
CalcActualRect | Calculates the actual rectangle of the specified page in client coordinates | |
ClearRenderBuffer | Clear internal render buffer for rerender pages in Progressive mode | |
ClientToPage | Computes the location of the specified client point into page coordinates. | |
CloseDocument | Close a loaded PDF document. | |
DeselectText | Clear text selection | |
Dispose |
Clean up any resources being used.
(Overrides ContainerControlDispose(Boolean)) | |
DrawCurrentPageHighlight | Draws current page highlight | |
DrawFillForms | Draw fill forms | |
DrawFillFormsSelection(Graphics, ListRectangle) | Left for backward compatibility. Actually the fillforms selection is drawn in DrawFillFormsSelection(PdfBitmap, ListRectangle) method. | |
DrawFillFormsSelection(PdfBitmap, ListRectangle) | Draws highlights inside a forms | |
DrawLoadingIcon | Draw loading icon | |
DrawPage | Draws page content and fillforms | |
DrawPageBackColor | Draws page background | |
DrawPageBorder | Draws page's border | |
DrawPageSeparators | Draws pages separatoes. | |
DrawRenderedPagesToDevice | Combine two buffers (rendered pages and forms) and draw them to graphics | |
DrawTextHighlight(Graphics, ListHighlightInfo, Int32) | Left for backward compatibility. Actually the text highlight is drawn in DrawTextHighlight(PdfBitmap, ListHighlightInfo, Int32) method. | |
DrawTextHighlight(PdfBitmap, ListHighlightInfo, Int32) | Draws text highlights | |
DrawTextSelection(Graphics, SelectInfo, Int32) | Left for backward compatibility. Actually the text selection is drawn in DrawTextSelection(PdfBitmap, SelectInfo, Int32) method. | |
DrawTextSelection(PdfBitmap, SelectInfo, Int32) | Draws text selection | |
GetHighlightedRects | Get a collection of rectangles that represent the highlighted text on a specific page and in accordance with the specified HighlightInfo structure. | |
GetSelectedRects(Int32) | Get a collection of rectangles that represent the selected text on a specified page. | |
GetSelectedRects(Int32, SelectInfo) | Get a collection of rectangles that represent the selected text on a specific page and in accordance with the specified SelectInfo structure. | |
HighlightSelectedText | Highlight selected text on the page by specified color | |
HighlightText(Int32, HighlightInfo) | Highlight text on the page | |
HighlightText(Int32, Int32, Int32, Color) | Highlight text on the page | |
HighlightText(Int32, Int32, Int32, Color, FS_RECTF) | Highlight text on the page | |
HilightSelectedText | Obsolete. Highlight selected text on the page by specified color | |
InternalSetCursor | Sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the control. | |
IsInputKey |
Determines whether the specified key is a regular input key or a special key that requires preprocessing.
(Overrides ControlIsInputKey(Keys)) | |
LoadDocument(Byte, String) | Loads the PDF document from the specified byte array. | |
LoadDocument(Stream, String) | Loads the PDF document from the specified stream. | |
LoadDocument(String, String) | Open and load a PDF document from a file. | |
OnAfterDocumentChanged | Raises the AfterDocumentChanged event. | |
OnAfterLinkClicked | Raises the AfterLinkClicked event. | |
OnBeforeDocumentChanged | Raises the BeforeDocumentChanged event. | |
OnBeforeLinkClicked | Raises the BeforeLinkClicked event. | |
OnCurrentPageChanged | Raises the CurrentPageChanged event. | |
OnCurrentPageHighlightColorChanged | Raises the CurrentPageHighlightColorChanged event. | |
OnDocumentClosed | Raises the DocumentClosed event. | |
OnDocumentClosing | Raises the DocumentClosing event. | |
OnDocumentLoaded | Raises the DocumentLoaded event. | |
OnFormHighlightColorChanged | Raises the FormHighlightColorChanged event. | |
OnFormsAppBeep | Called by the engine when it is required to play the sound | |
OnFormsBlendModeChanged | Raises the FormsBlendModeChanged event. | |
OnFormsDoGotoAction | Called by the engine when it is required to execute a GoTo action | |
OnFormsDoNamedAction | Called by the engine when it is required to execute a named action | |
OnFormsGotoPage | Called by the engine when it is required to execute GoTo operation | |
OnFormsInvalidate | Called by the engine when it is required to redraw the page | |
OnFormsOutputSelectedRect | Called by the engine when it is required to draw selected regions in FillForms | |
OnFormsSetCursor | Called by the engine when it is required to change the cursor | |
OnHighlightedTextChanged | Raises the HighlightedTextChanged event. | |
OnKeyUp |
Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.KeyUp event.
(Overrides ControlOnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs)) | |
OnLoadingIconTextChanged | Raises the LoadingIconTextChanged event. | |
OnMouseDoubleClick |
Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseDoubleClick event.
(Overrides ControlOnMouseDoubleClick(MouseEventArgs)) | |
OnMouseDown |
Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseDown event.
(Overrides UserControlOnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs)) | |
OnMouseModeChanged | Raises the MouseModeChanged event. | |
OnMouseMove |
Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseMove event.
(Overrides ControlOnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs)) | |
OnMouseUp |
Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseUp event.
(Overrides ControlOnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs)) | |
OnMouseWheel |
Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseWheel event.
(Overrides ScrollableControlOnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs)) | |
OnPageAlignChanged | Raises the PageAlignChanged event. | |
OnPageBackColorChanged | Raises the PageBackColorChanged event. | |
OnPageBorderColorChanged | Raises the PageBorderColorChanged event. | |
OnPageMarginChanged | Raises the PageMarginChanged event. | |
OnPageSeparatorColorChanged | Raises the PageSeparatorColorChanged event. | |
OnPaint |
Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Paint event.
(Overrides ControlOnPaint(PaintEventArgs)) | |
OnPreviewKeyDown |
Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.PreviewKeyDown event.
(Overrides ControlOnPreviewKeyDown(PreviewKeyDownEventArgs)) | |
OnRenderFlagsChanged | Raises the RenderFlagsChanged event. | |
OnResize |
Raises the Resize event
(Overrides UserControlOnResize(EventArgs)) | |
OnScroll |
Raises the System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.Scroll event
(Overrides ScrollableControlOnScroll(ScrollEventArgs)) | |
OnSelectionChanged | Raises the SelectionChanged event. | |
OnShowCurrentPageHighlightChanged | Raises the ShowCurrentPageHighlightChanged event. | |
OnShowLoadingIconChanged | Raises the ShowLoadingIconChanged event. | |
OnShowPageSeparatorChanged | Raises the ShowPageSeparatorChanged event. | |
OnSizeModeChanged | Raises the SizeModeChanged event. | |
OnTextSelectColorChanged | Raises the TextSelectColorChanged event. | |
OnTilesCountChanged | Raises the TilesCountChanged event. | |
OnUseProgressiveRenderChanged | Raises the UseProgressiveRenderChanged event. | |
OnViewModeChanged | Raises the ViewModeChanged event. | |
OnZoomChanged | Raises the ZoomChanged event. | |
PageToClient | Computes the location of the specified page point into client coordinates. | |
PointInPage | Determines if the specified point is contained within Pdf page. | |
ProcessAction | Process the PdfAction | |
ProcessDestination | Process the PdfDestination. | |
RegenerateAnnots | Create an appearance stream for annotations which do not have this one. | |
RemoveHighlightFromSelectedText | Removes highlight from selected text | |
RemoveHighlightFromText | Removes highlight from the text | |
RemoveHighlightFromText(Int32, Int32, Int32) | Removes highlight from the text | |
RemoveHilightFromSelectedText | Obsolete. Removes highlight from selected text | |
RotatePage | Rotates the specified page to the specified angle. | |
ScrollToChar(Int32) | Scrolls the control view to the specified character on the current page | |
ScrollToChar(Int32, Int32) | Scrolls the control view to the specified character on the specified page | |
ScrollToPage | Scrolls the control view to the specified page. | |
ScrollToPoint | Scrolls the control view to the specified point on the specified page | |
SelectText(SelectInfo) | Selects the text contained in specified pages. | |
SelectText(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) | Selects the text contained in specified pages. | |
UpdateLayout | Ensures that all sizes and positions of pages of a PdfViewer control are properly updated for layout. |
Name | Description | |
AfterDocumentChanged | Occurs whenever the Document property is changed. | |
AfterLinkClicked | Occurs after PdfLink or WebLink on the page was clicked. | |
BeforeDocumentChanged | Occurs immediately before the document property would be changed. | |
BeforeLinkClicked | Occurs before PdfLink or WebLink on the page was clicked. | |
CurrentPageChanged | Occurs when the CurrentPage or CurrentIndex property has changed. | |
CurrentPageHighlightColorChanged | Occurs when the CurrentPageHighlightColor property has changed. | |
DocumentClosed | Occurs whenever the document unloads. | |
DocumentClosing | Occurs before the document unloads. | |
DocumentLoaded | Occurs whenever the document loads. | |
FormHighlightColorChanged | Event raised when the value of the FormHighlightColor property is changed on Control. | |
FormsBlendModeChanged | Occurs when the FormsBlendMode property has changed. | |
HighlightedTextChanged | Occurs when the text highlighting changed | |
LoadingIconTextChanged | Occurs when the value of the LoadingIconText property has changed. | |
MouseModeChanged | Occurs when the value of the MouseModes property has changed. | |
PageAlignChanged | Occurs when the value of the PageAlign property has changed. | |
PageBackColorChanged | Event raised when the value of the PageBackColor property is changed on Control.. | |
PageBorderColorChanged | Event raised when the value of the PageBorderColor property is changed on Control. | |
PageMarginChanged | Occurs when the PageMargin property has changed. | |
PageSeparatorColorChanged | Occurs when the PageSeparatorColor property has changed. | |
RenderFlagsChanged | Occurs when the value of the RenderFlags property has changed. | |
SelectionChanged | Occurs when the current selection has changed. | |
ShowCurrentPageHighlightChanged | Occurs when the ShowCurrentPageHighlight property has changed. | |
ShowLoadingIconChanged | Occurs when the value of the ShowLoadingIcon property has changed. | |
ShowPageSeparatorChanged | Occurs when the ShowPageSeparator property has changed. | |
SizeModeChanged | Occurs when the SizeMode property has changed. | |
TextSelectColorChanged | Event raised when the value of the TextSelectColor property is changed on Control. | |
TilesCountChanged | Occurs when the value of the TilesCount property has changed. | |
UseProgressiveRenderChanged | Occurs when the value of the UseProgressiveRender property has changed. | |
ViewModeChanged | Occurs when the ViewMode property has changed. | |
ZoomChanged | Occurs when the Zoom property has changed. |