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PdfViewer Class

Represents a pdf view control for displaying an Pdf document.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Patagames.Pdf.Net.Controls.WinForms
Assembly: Patagames.Pdf.WinForms (in Patagames.Pdf.WinForms.dll) Version: 4.94.2704
public class PdfViewer : UserControl

The PdfViewer type exposes the following members.

Public methodPdfViewer Initializes a new instance of the PdfViewer class.
Public propertyAllowSetDocumentObsolete.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can accept PDF document through Document property.
Public propertyAutoScrollPosition Gets or sets the location of the auto-scroll position.
Public propertyCurrentIndex Gets or sets the current index of a page in PdfPageCollection
Public propertyCurrentPage Gets the current PdfPage item by CurrentIndex
Public propertyCurrentPageHighlightColor Gets or sets the current page highlight color.
Public propertyDocument Gets or sets the PDF document associated with the current PdfViewer control.
Public propertyFillForms Gets the Forms object associated with the current PdfViewer control.
Public propertyFormHighlightColor Gets or set the highlight color of the form fields in the document.
Public propertyFormsBlendMode Gets or sets blend mode which is used in drawing of acro forms.
Public propertyHighlightedTextInfo Gets information about highlighted text in a PdfView control
Public propertyLoadingIconText Gets or sets loading icon text in progressive rendering mode
Public propertyMouseMode Gets or sets mouse mode for pdf viewer control
Public propertyOptimizedLoadThreshold Gets or sets the threshold value in the number of pages after which the optimized document load is activated.
Public propertyPadding Gets or sets padding within the control.
Public propertyPageAlign Gets or sets the alignment of page in the control.
Public propertyPageAutoDispose Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PdfViewer will dispose any pages placed outside of its visible boundaries.
Public propertyPageBackColor Gets or sets the background color for the control under PDF page.
Public propertyPageBorderColor Gets or sets the border color of the page
Public propertyPageMargin Specifies space between pages margins
Public propertyPageSeparatorColor Gets or sets the page separator color.
Public propertyRenderFlags Gets or sets a RenderFlags. None for normal display, or combination of RenderFlags
Public propertySelectedText Gets selected text from PdfView control
Public propertySelectInfo Gets information about selected text in a PdfView control
Public propertyShowCurrentPageHighlight Determines whether the current page's highlight is visible or hidden.
Public propertyShowLoadingIcon Determines whether the page's loading icon should be shown
Public propertyShowPageSeparator Determines whether the page separator is visible or hidden
Public propertySizeMode Control how the PdfViewer will handle pages placement and control sizing
Public propertyTextSelectColor Gets or sets the selection color of the control.
Public propertyTilesCount Gets or sets visible page count for tiles view mode
Public propertyUseProgressiveRender If true the progressive rendering is used for render page
Public propertyViewMode Control how the PdfViewer will display pages
Public propertyZoom This property allows you to scale the PDF page. To take effect the SizeMode property should be Zoom
Public methodCalcActualRect Calculates the actual rectangle of the specified page in client coordinates
Public methodClearRenderBuffer Clear internal render buffer for rerender pages in Progressive mode
Public methodClientToPage Computes the location of the specified client point into page coordinates.
Public methodCloseDocument Close a loaded PDF document.
Public methodDeselectText Clear text selection
Protected methodDispose Clean up any resources being used.
(Overrides ContainerControlDispose(Boolean))
Protected methodDrawCurrentPageHighlight Draws current page highlight
Protected methodDrawFillForms Draw fill forms
Protected methodDrawFillFormsSelection(Graphics, ListRectangle) Left for backward compatibility. Actually the fillforms selection is drawn in DrawFillFormsSelection(PdfBitmap, ListRectangle) method.
Protected methodDrawFillFormsSelection(PdfBitmap, ListRectangle) Draws highlights inside a forms
Protected methodDrawLoadingIcon Draw loading icon
Protected methodDrawPage Draws page content and fillforms
Protected methodDrawPageBackColor Draws page background
Protected methodDrawPageBorder Draws page's border
Protected methodDrawPageSeparators Draws pages separatoes.
Protected methodDrawRenderedPagesToDevice Combine two buffers (rendered pages and forms) and draw them to graphics
Protected methodDrawTextHighlight(Graphics, ListHighlightInfo, Int32) Left for backward compatibility. Actually the text highlight is drawn in DrawTextHighlight(PdfBitmap, ListHighlightInfo, Int32) method.
Protected methodDrawTextHighlight(PdfBitmap, ListHighlightInfo, Int32) Draws text highlights
Protected methodDrawTextSelection(Graphics, SelectInfo, Int32) Left for backward compatibility. Actually the text selection is drawn in DrawTextSelection(PdfBitmap, SelectInfo, Int32) method.
Protected methodDrawTextSelection(PdfBitmap, SelectInfo, Int32) Draws text selection
Public methodGetHighlightedRects Get a collection of rectangles that represent the highlighted text on a specific page and in accordance with the specified HighlightInfo structure.
Public methodGetSelectedRects(Int32) Get a collection of rectangles that represent the selected text on a specified page.
Public methodGetSelectedRects(Int32, SelectInfo) Get a collection of rectangles that represent the selected text on a specific page and in accordance with the specified SelectInfo structure.
Public methodHighlightSelectedText Highlight selected text on the page by specified color
Public methodHighlightText(Int32, HighlightInfo) Highlight text on the page
Public methodHighlightText(Int32, Int32, Int32, Color) Highlight text on the page
Public methodHighlightText(Int32, Int32, Int32, Color, FS_RECTF) Highlight text on the page
Public methodHilightSelectedTextObsolete.
Highlight selected text on the page by specified color
Protected methodInternalSetCursor Sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the control.
Protected methodIsInputKey Determines whether the specified key is a regular input key or a special key that requires preprocessing.
(Overrides ControlIsInputKey(Keys))
Public methodLoadDocument(Byte, String) Loads the PDF document from the specified byte array.
Public methodLoadDocument(Stream, String) Loads the PDF document from the specified stream.
Public methodLoadDocument(String, String) Open and load a PDF document from a file.
Protected methodOnAfterDocumentChanged Raises the AfterDocumentChanged event.
Protected methodOnAfterLinkClicked Raises the AfterLinkClicked event.
Protected methodOnBeforeDocumentChanged Raises the BeforeDocumentChanged event.
Protected methodOnBeforeLinkClicked Raises the BeforeLinkClicked event.
Protected methodOnCurrentPageChanged Raises the CurrentPageChanged event.
Protected methodOnCurrentPageHighlightColorChanged Raises the CurrentPageHighlightColorChanged event.
Protected methodOnDocumentClosed Raises the DocumentClosed event.
Protected methodOnDocumentClosing Raises the DocumentClosing event.
Protected methodOnDocumentLoaded Raises the DocumentLoaded event.
Protected methodOnFormHighlightColorChanged Raises the FormHighlightColorChanged event.
Protected methodOnFormsAppBeep Called by the engine when it is required to play the sound
Protected methodOnFormsBlendModeChanged Raises the FormsBlendModeChanged event.
Protected methodOnFormsDoGotoAction Called by the engine when it is required to execute a GoTo action
Protected methodOnFormsDoNamedAction Called by the engine when it is required to execute a named action
Protected methodOnFormsGotoPage Called by the engine when it is required to execute GoTo operation
Protected methodOnFormsInvalidate Called by the engine when it is required to redraw the page
Protected methodOnFormsOutputSelectedRect Called by the engine when it is required to draw selected regions in FillForms
Protected methodOnFormsSetCursor Called by the engine when it is required to change the cursor
Protected methodOnHighlightedTextChanged Raises the HighlightedTextChanged event.
Protected methodOnKeyUp Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.KeyUp event.
(Overrides ControlOnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs))
Protected methodOnLoadingIconTextChanged Raises the LoadingIconTextChanged event.
Protected methodOnMouseDoubleClick Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseDoubleClick event.
(Overrides ControlOnMouseDoubleClick(MouseEventArgs))
Protected methodOnMouseDown Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseDown event.
(Overrides UserControlOnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs))
Protected methodOnMouseModeChanged Raises the MouseModeChanged event.
Protected methodOnMouseMove Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseMove event.
(Overrides ControlOnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs))
Protected methodOnMouseUp Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseUp event.
(Overrides ControlOnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs))
Protected methodOnMouseWheel Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseWheel event.
(Overrides ScrollableControlOnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs))
Protected methodOnPageAlignChanged Raises the PageAlignChanged event.
Protected methodOnPageBackColorChanged Raises the PageBackColorChanged event.
Protected methodOnPageBorderColorChanged Raises the PageBorderColorChanged event.
Protected methodOnPageMarginChanged Raises the PageMarginChanged event.
Protected methodOnPageSeparatorColorChanged Raises the PageSeparatorColorChanged event.
Protected methodOnPaint Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.Paint event.
(Overrides ControlOnPaint(PaintEventArgs))
Protected methodOnPreviewKeyDown Raises the System.Windows.Forms.Control.PreviewKeyDown event.
(Overrides ControlOnPreviewKeyDown(PreviewKeyDownEventArgs))
Protected methodOnRenderFlagsChanged Raises the RenderFlagsChanged event.
Protected methodOnResize Raises the Resize event
(Overrides UserControlOnResize(EventArgs))
Protected methodOnScroll Raises the System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.Scroll event
(Overrides ScrollableControlOnScroll(ScrollEventArgs))
Protected methodOnSelectionChanged Raises the SelectionChanged event.
Protected methodOnShowCurrentPageHighlightChanged Raises the ShowCurrentPageHighlightChanged event.
Protected methodOnShowLoadingIconChanged Raises the ShowLoadingIconChanged event.
Protected methodOnShowPageSeparatorChanged Raises the ShowPageSeparatorChanged event.
Protected methodOnSizeModeChanged Raises the SizeModeChanged event.
Protected methodOnTextSelectColorChanged Raises the TextSelectColorChanged event.
Protected methodOnTilesCountChanged Raises the TilesCountChanged event.
Protected methodOnUseProgressiveRenderChanged Raises the UseProgressiveRenderChanged event.
Protected methodOnViewModeChanged Raises the ViewModeChanged event.
Protected methodOnZoomChanged Raises the ZoomChanged event.
Public methodPageToClient Computes the location of the specified page point into client coordinates.
Public methodPointInPage Determines if the specified point is contained within Pdf page.
Public methodProcessAction Process the PdfAction
Public methodProcessDestination Process the PdfDestination.
Protected methodRegenerateAnnots Create an appearance stream for annotations which do not have this one.
Public methodRemoveHighlightFromSelectedText Removes highlight from selected text
Public methodRemoveHighlightFromText Removes highlight from the text
Public methodRemoveHighlightFromText(Int32, Int32, Int32) Removes highlight from the text
Public methodRemoveHilightFromSelectedTextObsolete.
Removes highlight from selected text
Public methodRotatePage Rotates the specified page to the specified angle.
Public methodScrollToChar(Int32) Scrolls the control view to the specified character on the current page
Public methodScrollToChar(Int32, Int32) Scrolls the control view to the specified character on the specified page
Public methodScrollToPage Scrolls the control view to the specified page.
Public methodScrollToPoint Scrolls the control view to the specified point on the specified page
Public methodSelectText(SelectInfo) Selects the text contained in specified pages.
Public methodSelectText(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Selects the text contained in specified pages.
Public methodUpdateLayout Ensures that all sizes and positions of pages of a PdfViewer control are properly updated for layout.
Public eventAfterDocumentChanged Occurs whenever the Document property is changed.
Public eventAfterLinkClicked Occurs after PdfLink or WebLink on the page was clicked.
Public eventBeforeDocumentChanged Occurs immediately before the document property would be changed.
Public eventBeforeLinkClicked Occurs before PdfLink or WebLink on the page was clicked.
Public eventCurrentPageChanged Occurs when the CurrentPage or CurrentIndex property has changed.
Public eventCurrentPageHighlightColorChanged Occurs when the CurrentPageHighlightColor property has changed.
Public eventDocumentClosed Occurs whenever the document unloads.
Public eventDocumentClosing Occurs before the document unloads.
Public eventDocumentLoaded Occurs whenever the document loads.
Public eventFormHighlightColorChanged Event raised when the value of the FormHighlightColor property is changed on Control.
Public eventFormsBlendModeChanged Occurs when the FormsBlendMode property has changed.
Public eventHighlightedTextChanged Occurs when the text highlighting changed
Public eventLoadingIconTextChanged Occurs when the value of the LoadingIconText property has changed.
Public eventMouseModeChanged Occurs when the value of the MouseModes property has changed.
Public eventPageAlignChanged Occurs when the value of the PageAlign property has changed.
Public eventPageBackColorChanged Event raised when the value of the PageBackColor property is changed on Control..
Public eventPageBorderColorChanged Event raised when the value of the PageBorderColor property is changed on Control.
Public eventPageMarginChanged Occurs when the PageMargin property has changed.
Public eventPageSeparatorColorChanged Occurs when the PageSeparatorColor property has changed.
Public eventRenderFlagsChanged Occurs when the value of the RenderFlags property has changed.
Public eventSelectionChanged Occurs when the current selection has changed.
Public eventShowCurrentPageHighlightChanged Occurs when the ShowCurrentPageHighlight property has changed.
Public eventShowLoadingIconChanged Occurs when the value of the ShowLoadingIcon property has changed.
Public eventShowPageSeparatorChanged Occurs when the ShowPageSeparator property has changed.
Public eventSizeModeChanged Occurs when the SizeMode property has changed.
Public eventTextSelectColorChanged Event raised when the value of the TextSelectColor property is changed on Control.
Public eventTilesCountChanged Occurs when the value of the TilesCount property has changed.
Public eventUseProgressiveRenderChanged Occurs when the value of the UseProgressiveRender property has changed.
Public eventViewModeChanged Occurs when the ViewMode property has changed.
Public eventZoomChanged Occurs when the Zoom property has changed.
See Also