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PdfTypeStream Class

Represents the Stream type of objects
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Patagames.Pdf.Net.BasicTypes
Assembly: Patagames.Pdf (in Patagames.Pdf.dll) Version: 4.94.2704
public class PdfTypeStream : PdfTypeBase

The PdfTypeStream type exposes the following members.

Public methodPdfTypeStream Construct new instance of PdfTypeStream class from given Handle
Public propertyContent Get a managed copy of underlying buffer of the stream.
Public propertyDecodedData Gets decoded strem content.
Public propertyDecodedText Gets decoded stream contetn as ASCII string
Public propertyDictionary Gets a Dictionary representation of the specified object.
Public propertyIsMemoryBased Gets a boolean value that indicates whether a Stream was initialized from memory.
Public propertyLength Gets the length in bytes of the underlying buffer of the stream.
Public propertyRawData Get underlying buffer of the stream.
Public methodStatic memberCreate Creates new Stream object
Public methodStatic memberCreate(IntPtr) Creates new instance of PdfTypeStream class
Public methodInit Initialize the stream with a sequence of bytes.
Public methodInitEmpty Initialize the stream with an empty sequence of bytes.
Public methodRead Reads a specified number of bytes from the current stream from specified position.
Public methodSetContent Replace the stream content with the specified data.
Public methodSetRawData Set specified raw data into current stream
A stream object, like a string object, is a sequence of bytes. However, a PDF application can read a stream incrementally, while a string must be read in its entirety. Furthermore, a stream can be of unlimited length, whereas a string is subject to an implementation limit. For this reason, objects with potentially large amounts of data, such as images and page descriptions, are represented as streams. All streams must be indirect objects and the stream dictionary must be a direct object.
See Also