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PdfViewer Properties

The PdfViewer type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAllowSetDocumentObsolete.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control can accept PDF document through Document property.
Public propertyCanHorizontallyScroll Gets or sets a value that indicates whether scrolling on the horizontal axis is possible.
Public propertyCanVerticallyScroll Gets or sets a value that indicates whether scrolling on the vertical axis is possible.
Public propertyCurrentIndex Gets or sets the current index of a page in PdfPageCollection
Public propertyCurrentPage Gets the current PdfPage item by CurrentIndex
Public propertyCurrentPageHighlightColor Gets or sets the current page highlight color.
Public propertyDocument Gets or sets the PDF document associated with the current PdfViewer control.
Public propertyExtentHeight Gets the vertical size of the extent.
Public propertyExtentWidth Gets the horizontal size of the extent.
Public propertyFillForms Gets the Forms object associated with the current PdfViewer control.
Public propertyFormHighlightColor Gets or set the highlight color of the form fields in the document.
Public propertyFormsBlendMode Gets or sets blend mode which is used in drawing of acro forms.
Public propertyHighlightedTextInfo Gets information about highlighted text in a PdfView control
Public propertyHorizontalOffset Gets the horizontal offset of the scrolled content.
Public propertyLoadingIconText Gets or sets loading icon text in progressive rendering mode
Public propertyMouseMode Gets or sets mouse mode for PdfViewer control
Public propertyOptimizedLoadThreshold Gets or sets the threshold value in the number of pages after which the optimized document load is activated.
Public propertyPadding Gets or sets the padding inside a control.
Public propertyPageAutoDispose Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PdfViewer will dispose any pages placed outside of its visible boundaries.
Public propertyPageBackColor Gets or sets the background color for the control under PDF page.
Public propertyPageBorderColor Gets or sets the border color of the page
Public propertyPageHAlign Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of page in the control.
Public propertyPageMargin Specifies space between pages margins
Public propertyPageSeparatorColor Gets or sets the page separator color.
Public propertyPageVAlign Gets or sets the vertical alignment of page in the control.
Public propertyRenderFlags Gets or sets a RenderFlags. None for normal display, or combination of RenderFlags
Public propertyScrollOwner Gets or sets a ScrollViewer element that controls scrolling behavior.
Public propertySelectedText Gets selected text from PdfView control
Public propertySelectInfo Gets information about selected text in a PdfView control
Public propertyShowCurrentPageHighlight Determines whether the current page's highlight is visible or hidden.
Public propertyShowLoadingIcon Determines whether the page's loading icon should be shown
Public propertyShowPageSeparator Determines whether the page separator is visible or hidden
Public propertySizeMode Control how the PdfViewer will handle pages placement and control sizing
Public propertyTextSelectColor Gets or sets the selection color of the control.
Public propertyTilesCount Gets or sets visible page count for tiles view mode
Public propertyUseProgressiveRender If true the progressive rendering is used for render page
Public propertyVerticalOffset Gets the vertical offset of the scrolled content.
Public propertyViewMode Control how the PdfViewer will display pages
Public propertyViewportHeight Gets the vertical size of the viewport for this content.
Public propertyViewportWidth Gets the horizontal size of the viewport for this content.
Protected propertyVisualChildrenCount Gets the number of visual child elements within this element.
(Overrides FrameworkElementVisualChildrenCount)
Public propertyZoom This property allows you to scale the PDF page. To take effect the SizeMode property should be Zoom
See Also