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PdfAnnotationLevelActions Properties

The PdfAnnotationLevelActions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnnotationBlurred Gets or sets the PdfAction to be performed when the annotation loses the input focus.
Public propertyAnnotationDown Gets or sets the PdfAction to be performed when the mouse button is pressed inside the annotation’s active area.
Public propertyAnnotationEnter Gets or sets the PdfAction to be performed when the cursor enters the annotation’s active area.
Public propertyAnnotationExit Gets or sets the PdfAction to be performed when the cursor exits the annotation’s active area.
Public propertyAnnotationFocused Gets or sets the PdfAction to be performed when the annotation receives the input focus.
Public propertyAnnotationPageClose Gets or sets the PdfAction to be performed when the page containing the annotation is closed (for example, when the user navigates to the next or previous page, or follows a link annotation or bookmark item). The action is executed before the PageClosed action, if present.
Public propertyAnnotationPageInvisible Gets or sets the PdfAction to be performed when the page containing the annotation is no longer visible in the viewer application’s user interface.
Public propertyAnnotationPageOpen Gets or sets the PdfAction to be performed when the page containing the annotation is opened (for example, when the user navigates to it from the next or previous page or by means of a link annotation or bookmark item). The action is executed after the PageOpened action and the OpenAction in the PdfDocument class, if such actions are present.
Public propertyAnnotationPageVisible Gets or sets the PdfAction to be performed when the page containing the annotation becomes visible in the viewer application’s user interface.
Public propertyAnnotationUp Gets or sets the PdfAction to be performed when the mouse button is released inside the annotation’s active area.
See Also