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PdfToolStripMain Methods

The PdfToolStripMain type exposes the following members.

Protected methodInitializeButtons Create all buttons and add its into toolbar. Override this method to create custom buttons
(Overrides PdfToolStripInitializeButtons)
Protected methodOnOpenClick Occurs when the Open button is clicked
Protected methodOnPasswordRequired Occurs when the Loaded document protected by password. Application should return the password
Protected methodOnPdfPrinDocumentCreaded Occurs after an instance of PdfPrintDocument class is created and before printing is started.
Protected methodOnPdfViewerChanging Called when the current PdfViewer control associated with the ToolStrip is changing.
(Overrides PdfToolStripOnPdfViewerChanging(PdfViewer, PdfViewer))
Protected methodOnPrintClick Occurs when the Print button is clicked
Protected methodUpdateButtons Called when the ToolStrip's items need to change its states
(Overrides PdfToolStripUpdateButtons)
See Also